Recipe of Chianti Kitchen, the Tuscan
School of Cooking

250 g (9oz) bread (1/2 loaf of rustic Italian bread)
500 g (18oz) mature tomatoes
4 cloves of garlic
3 spoons of extra virgin olive oil
fresh basil
salt and pepper to taste

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Place the tomatoes in boiling water for
one minute. Then quickly transfer them
into cold water to stop the cooking.
Take them out of the water and remove
the skin.  Dice the tomatoes and place
in a pan with the diced garlic and basil.
Let cook for 10 minutes and add salt
and pepper. Discard crust from the
bread and cut into 1 inch cubes. Stir the
bread cubes into the tomato mixture
and cook for 10 minutes. After the
cooking is finished, let the soup rest for
30 minutes. Serve in deep soup bowls,
dress with fresh basil and olive oil. If
possible, serve lukewarm.

Makes 4-6 servings

Chianti Kitchen, The Tuscan School of Cooking of Chef Seamus de Pentheny O'Kelly - Tuscany, Italy -